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Devil’s Breakfast Table Scour Prairie Outing

May 25, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Participants on this TCWP/TNPS outing will explore the Devil’s Breakfast Table area, including a short bushwhack to a small prairie area that is kept open by erosion during flood events. We will spend more time on other places in the same general area if the prairie is flooded. This is a spot to see the federally listed Cumberland rosemary.

Some may find the short bushwhack difficult. They may opt to spend that part of our time in other easily accessible areas. Bring water, lunch, and bug spray.

We’ll meet for carpooling in Oak Ridge at the Gold’s Gym/Books-a-Million parking lot (at the end close to S. Illinois Avenue, near Salsarita’s) in time to leave Oak Ridge at 8:45 a.m. Eastern; or participants can meet the group at the Marathon Gas Station (52 Main St., Crab Orchard) at the Crab Orchard exit (329) off I-40 east of Crossville at 9 a.m. Central (10 a.m. Eastern).

Your RSVP helps with planning and allows notification in case of cancellation. Contact Larry Pounds at 865-705-8516 or at PoundsL471@aol.com.      


May 25, 2024
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Category:


Larry Pounds


Marathon Station, Crab Orchard
52 Main St
Crab Orchard, TN
+ Google Map