Political Guide

Contacting your elected officials about protecting wildlands is your right and one of the most important ways to help conserve wildlands. Below are ways to find and contact your elected officials and heads of governmental offices.

Federal Government

Contact the President  Find your US Senators    Find your US Representatives

Federal Departments

Council on Environmental Qualitywww.whitehouse.gov/ceq
U.S. Department of Agriculturewww.usda.gov
–U.S. Forest Servicewww.fs.fed.us
—Southern Reg Foresterwww.fs.usda.gov/r8
—-Cherokee National Forestwww.fs.usda.gov/cherokee
U.S. Department of Interiorwww.doi.gov
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servicewww.fws.gov
–USFWS SE Regional Directorwww.fws.gov/southeast/
—Field Supervisorwww.fws.gov/cookeville/
National Park Servicewww.nps.gov
–Big South Fork NRRAwww.nps.gov/biso
–Obed Wild and Scenic Riverwww.nps.gov/obed
Office of Surface Miningwww.osmre.gov
–Acting Field Office Dirwww.arcc.osmre.gov/about/states/tn.shtm
Environmental Protection Agencywww.epa.gov
–Reg 4 Adminwww.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-epa-region-4-southeast
Tennessee Valley Authoritywww.tva.gov
U.S. Army Corps of Engineerswww.usace.army.mil/
–Nashville Districtwww.lrn.usace.army.mil/

State Government

Contact the Governor of TNFind your TN legislators

State Departments

Department of Environment & Conservationwww.tn.gov/environment/contacts.html

TN Committees of Interest

“Senate Standing Committee on
Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources”
“House Standing Committee on
Agriculture and Natural Resources”

Tips for Communication

  • Address recipient as Dear Mr. President, Dear Mr. or Madame Secretary, Dear Sen., Dear Rep.
  • Make your communication legible. Original letters are better than form letters.
  • Mail to the U.S. Congress is very slow. It’s better to fax, e-mail, or phone. If you send a letter, it’s better to send it to the local office.
  • Be brief, and refer to a bill by name or number.
  • Give a reason for your request. Personal experiences are effective.
  • Ask your official for his/her position on an issue.
  • Put your complete name and address in your letter, since envelopes are trashed.
  • Copy your legislators on any committee or departmental correspondence.
  • Thank public officials and legislators when they support your position.
  • Consider sending a copy of your message to the Letters to the Editor column of your local paper, perhaps introducing it with “[The issue] is of major concern to the people of this region. I have sent the following letter to __.”

Political Guide (pdf format)