We are very excited to report that Stephen Alvarez, creator of the Ancient Art Archive (https://www.ancientartarchive.org/), will lead a Zoom presentation about the Mural of America project for TCWP and the University of Tennessee Arboretum Society on September 20. Stephen is an amazing photographer who uses photography, videography, and 3-D imagery to document indigenous art from native cultures all over the world.
The Mural of America explores ten North American cultural landmarks that illuminate the complex artistic mysteries of the past. Founder Stephen Alvarez and the Ancient Art Archive’s extraordinary team of anthropologists, archaeologists, and Native American artists are exploring the ten sites’ artistic wonders, the rich cultures that gave birth to them, and how they remain meaningful today. Their work is still in progress on most of the sites, but their work at Tennessee’s Devilstep Hollow Cave is complete and ready for all of us to experience!
The program will be free, but participants will need register to receive a Zoom link, to be provided at a later date at www.utarboretumsociety.org.