On October 7, TCWP, Advocates for the Oak Ridge Reservation, and others will host a paddling event on a section of the newly christened Pellissippi Blueway.
We will meet at 10 a.m. at Melton Lake Park at the Oak Ridge waterfront (formerly Oak Ridge Marina). Participants can bring their own canoes or kayaks, or rent boats from Adventure Outdoors adventuresoutdoorsrentals.com. We’ll make a loop up and down the river, exploring interesting places along the river and picking up trash along the way. Participants should dress appropriately for conditions and bring a lunch, water, sunscreen, etc. Look for event updates on the TCWP website and Facebook page. TCWP contact: Tim Bigelow, Bigelowt2@mindspring.com; AFORR contact: Jimmy Groton, groton87@comcast.net.