
READ Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning (TCWP) Newsletters

Digital Archive of Past TCWP Newsletters

The University of Tennessee’s Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange Program (TRACE), archives digital versions  of TCWP newsletters from 1966 – 2014.  You can access TCWP’s archived newsletter at

What our readers say about the TCWP NEWSLETTER

“I rely on the TCWP newsletter for my news on conservation in Tennessee. The newsletter’s organization, depth, clarity and objectivity are unparalleled. Simply put, it’s my one-stop, go-to source for what’s happening in east Tennessee. Happy 300 and THANK YOU!!!”
Alex Wyss, Director of Conservation Programs, Tennessee Chapter of TNC

“For 35 years, I’ve been sharing with my classes in environmental law & policy at UT College of Law the TCWP NL. I always tell my students that it is a model of solid grassroots information combined with wise suggestions for reform. Keep up the excellent work.”
Dean Hill Rivkin, Distinguished Professor, The University of Tennessee College of Law

“Whether I was at Knoxville City Hall or at the US Embassy in Warsaw or at home on Kingston Pike in Knoxville, I always look forward to the monthly issue of TCWP. It is so complete and encompassing. I do not always agree but I always learn from reading. May it continue for another 300 issues! … TCWP educates so many to the scenic wonders of Tennessee and the need to preserve and save.”
Victor Ashe, former US Ambassador to Poland and Mayor of Knoxville; State Senator and State Representative

“In the two years I worked for the Environmental Policy Institute in D.C., I had the opportunity to see grassroots newsletters from all over the country. In my experience, there is no better state-wide conservation issue compendium and call-to-action anywhere in this country than the TCWP newsletter. It’s the Information Age version of one-stop shopping. Get it!”
Don Barger, Senior Regional Director, Southeast Region, National Parks Conservation Association

“I rely on TCWP’s newsletter for the most accurate, up-to-date voice for environmental issues. Thank you for keeping Tennesseans well informed for 45 years.”
Michelle W. Haynes, Board member, Tennessee Native Plant Society

“When I was hired into Tennessee State Parks in 1977 and asked about the best source for information on environmental issues, the TCWP newsletter was strongly recommended. I joined, and have never ceased to be informed and amazed by the scope, clarity, and, timeliness of this most cost-efficient report. And, now, the history of Tennessee’s environmental movement is within these pages like nowhere else. This work has been monumentally influential, and I offer thanks to the Russells and all the TCWP family that have given so much to make it happen.”
Bobby Fulcher, Superintendent, Cumberland Trail State Scenic Trail

“Congratulations TCWP on this remarkable achievement: 300 issues of reliable content in readable style. You’ve made a tremendous contribution to conservation in Tennessee. Here’s to many more years!”
Paul E. Davis, P.E., Director, Division of Water Pollution Control, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation

“Congratulations to TCWP and its staff and board on your 300th newsletter. This monthly summary of local, state and national developments must be the most effective communication of its kind in the country. Since my first TCWP letter-writing party at Susan and Eric Hirst’s house in about 1977, I have been amazed at the range of issues it covers and its succinct summary of what’s important.”
Neil McBride, Director, TVA

“When I moved to Tennessee from Maine in 1979, I didn’t know a soul, so my first step (after getting a job) was to join the board of the Cumberland-Harpeth Audubon Society. Somehow this entitled me to two newsletters–the Tennessee Environmental Council’s and TCWP’s. Both were terrific: credible, knowledgeable, extremely well-written, heavy on the science and light on the lecturing. But TCWP’s newsletter had something TEC’s didn’t: Those little paragraph symbols! I loved those paragraph symbols and the larger organizing system they were part of. In the complex world of political-environmental issues, TCWP’s highly structured newsletter imposed order. It conveyed authority. And it made difficult issues more manageable, more understandable and more winnable. Congratulations on your 300th, TCWP Newsletter!”
Marge Davis, Ph.D., Coordinator, Pride of Place/Tennessee Bottle Bill Project, A Project of Scenic Tennessee, Inc.

“The TCWP newsletter is a one-of-a-kind in Tennessee. It is a great source of information about the environmental events that are current–but it covers the big picture, not just one angle or one area of interest. Reading a hardcopy where you can make notes and go backwards and forwards on paper is the difference in reading a paper book versus trying to read a book online. The coverage is so accurate and thorough, I often ask myself, “how did she know about that?”
Congratulations on #300 and thank you for the past 300, as well as the next 300.”
Penny Brooks, member of TCWP

“For 45 years now, TCWP and its excellent newsletter have been alerting Tennesseans to key policy issues affecting our treasured wilderness areas and influencing the political process at the grassroots level for the long-term benefit of all Tennesseans.  You provide a strong, thoughtful voice for conservation and citizen action that we can always count on. Thank you, TCWP, for all you do to protect our beautiful state, for nature and for people.”
Gina Hancock, State Director, The Nature Conservancy in Tennessee

“The TCWP newsletter has always been a wonderful and significant resource for staying in touch with Tennessee’s environment and heritage, things we care deeply about. Through this effort we’ve learned of threats to that world from ill-advised action and policy, and of opportunities to join in the fight to preserve things we hold dear. Natural beauty that enriches our lives in ways that could never be replaced should we fail to meet the seemingly never-ending challenges. Even better, the Newsletter alerted us to outings, gatherings, and other opportunities for camaraderie with others who share our passion for protecting our natural heritage. Congratulations and gratitude to all of the fine people who contributed for 45 years and to those who will carry on into the future.”
Steve Scarborough, member of Tennessee Conservation Commission

“This newsletter has served as an environmental bellwether, earmarking Tennessee’s environmental treasures and protecting the foundation of environmental ecosystems. Liane Russell’s informative and forthright chronicle of the issues at hand has served as a guide to action on critical environmental degradation and proactive pursuit of positive influences for the betterment of Tennessee’s natural resources.”
John Noel, President, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy

“When Drs. Bill and Lee Russell called me to come to your organizational meeting in 1966, I had a conflict and so sent a handout of John Muir’s trip through Tennessee in 1867. He saw his first mountain stream at the Emory or Obed and exited up the Hiwassee. His words were so inspiring, some wanted to call us TN John Muir Club. But wiser heads argued we should plan to save Tennessee wilderness. Over 40 years now Lee Russell has continued to edit the most informative and best-organized conservation newsletter in the USA. This has rallied our citizens to better regulate surface mining, save natural areas, and save scenic rivers from excessive dams. This has stimulated a green statewide effort to save the wonderful wilderness we lately enjoy. No other Tennessee group has achieved the success of TCWP, so John Muir would be proud.”
Mack Prichard, State Naturalist Emeritus

“I often refer to the Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning newsletter to find out the news and learn about issues concerning the North Cumberlands and East Tennessee. When someone asks about this region and what’s going on, it is good to have a reliable and thorough source of information I can recommend to them. I also have suggested to other conservation organizations to use the TCWP Newsletter as a model for their publications.”
Randy Hedgepath, State Naturalist

“The TCWP Newsletter is a valuable resource which provides concise information about natural resource conservation and current environmental issues. The links provide a quick review of each issue and contacts for those who wish to be further involved. This newsletter helps keep us more informed and encourages us to take action to further protect our local, state and regional wilderness treasures. Thank you TCWP and all you do. I look forward to another 300 issues!”
Mark Campen, Executive Director, Izaak Walton League, Tennessee Chapter

“The TCWP newsletter is amazing for its thorough and accurate coverage of an incredibly diverse range of environmental topics for Tennessee. It’s wonderful to know it will be archived for posterity.”
Ellen Smith, Oak Ridge City Council

“I use the newsletter as a way to keep up with everything happening in the state and value it very much. There is no other source that gives such excellent summaries of environmental issues and so clearly states exactly what needs to be done and when. The TCWP newsletter has been essential to so many of the successful environmental efforts in TN! On behalf of the Tennessee Ornithological Society, thank you!”
Melinda Welton, Co-chair ,TOS Conservation Policy Committee

“The TCWP newsletter is the most comprehensive environmental newsletter in East TN, bar none.  I learn something new every time I read it.”
Katherine Medlock, TCWP member

And from the past: ” … your publication contains the most timely information of any newsletter put out by an environmental organization in this state. When the newsletter arrives, it is routed around the office and seen by 10-12 other staff members besides myself. … Believe it or not, this is one of the best ways we have to keep up with what’s going on in the ‘real world.'”
Lamar Bradley, Tennessee Dept. of Health & Environment, 1987, 1983

” … what a fantastic source of info it [the TCWP Newsletter] is.  I receive several others, but frankly I’ve never seen anything comparable to TCWP.  I can’t imagine a strong environmental movement in Tennessee without it.  The information is objective and factual, so that it provides an invaluable source to rely upon when writing or speaking.   It would be extremely difficult or even impossible to measure how effective and beneficial your work is.”
Orville Bach, Morristown, Chair, Izaak Walton League of America, Tennessee Chapter, 1980

“Your newsletter is still the best, most informative one in the Southeast.”
Lee A Barclay, Cookeville, USDI Fish & Wildlife Service, 1999