Read AFORR’s Comments on the Oak Ridge Airport Environmental Assessment The Environmental Assessment document for the proposed Oak Ridge Airport is available for review now and a public hearing is set for August 8 from 6-8 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel located at...
As cleanup of hazardous and radioactive material at the Oak Ridge Reservation continues, the Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing a reckless plan that would contaminate waterways with toxic chemicals and put downstream communities at risk. Next week, DOE is holding...
WRITE TO:Oak Ridge City Council: Oak Ridge City Manager: Dr. Mark Watson: City of Oak Ridge Electric Department (CORED) Director: Ardo Ba: The closed forested canopy and protected...
Proposed sites for the Environmental Management Disposal Facility from Proposed Plan for the Disposal of Oak Ridge Reservation Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Waste – June 2018 The Department of Energy (DOE) plans...
On Feb 4, 2021, leaders of AFORR, Advocates for the Oak Ridge Reservation, gave a comprehensive assessment of the Horizon Center, the BORCE, the natural areas within the Horizon Center, and the impact of a racetrack to the area. The event was co-sponsored by TCWP,...
Photo of Pigeon River by Erin Johnson Those of you that drove down I-40 at the Tennessee/North Carolina border in the pre-1990’s remember not only the nasty smell of the ‘Dirty Bird’ but also the dark-stained water due to discharges from the Champion papermill in...
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