This hike is sponsored by TCWP and TNPS. Little Cedar Mountain is a wonderful place for spring wildflowers like spreading rock cress and wild hyacinth. If there is interest and time, we could take a second hike to see the rare native smoke tree on the Middle Cedar Mountain.
We’ll meet for carpooling in Oak Ridge at the Gold’s Gym/Books-a-Million parking lot (at the section close to S. Illinois Avenue, near Salsarita’s) in time to leave at 8 a.m. Participants can also meet at the Little Cedar Mountain trailhead at 10:30 Eastern, 9:30 Central. Take I-24 exit 158 and go south on TVA Road. Turn left immediately onto the gravel road next to the interstate.
The entire loop is a bit over three miles, with two short climbs. Bring water, a lunch, and bug spray. Pets are not permitted. Your RSVP helps with planning; contact Larry Pounds at 865-705-8516 or at