Wildfire Impacts on Drinking Water and Air Quality
The frequency and intensity of wildland fires have worsened impacts to the landscape and to the air column, affecting both drinking water and air quality, which, in turn, affect ecosystem […]
The frequency and intensity of wildland fires have worsened impacts to the landscape and to the air column, affecting both drinking water and air quality, which, in turn, affect ecosystem […]
This joint outing for TCWP and the Tennessee Native Plant Society (TNPS) will give us an excellent opportunity to see spring wildflowers. This will be a switch from last year: […]
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently preparing recommendations for locating fish deterrent barriers on the Tennessee River, Cumberland River, and Tennessee Tombigbee waterway to protect against the invasive […]
On this joint TCWP/TNPS outing we will do an out-and-back hike up a mountain on a new section of the Cumberland Trail. This is a good hike for spring wildflowers. […]
On this TCWP/TNPS outing we will see late spring wildflowers and do some tree and shrub identification along the paved greenway. This should work for those with limited walking ability. […]
Participants on this TCWP/TNPS outing will explore the Devil’s Breakfast Table area, including a short bushwhack to a small prairie area that is kept open by erosion during flood events. […]
The June 22 Oak Ridge Outdoor Festival, sponsored by Oak Ridge Parks and Recreation, Explore Oak Ridge, and the Clinch Valley trail Alliance, will introduce participants of all ages and […]
Unfortunately, due to the TVA not releasing on their normal schedule this Saturday, we are cancelling this trip. We will try to reschedule for a future date. Bring your kayak […]
Oak Ridge Public Library's World Wise Wednesdays presents From Your Backyard to Our Wilderness: TCWP’s Conservation Efforts Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning (TCWP) has a long history of preserving our […]
For this hike, we will meet in front of Norris Middle School (across from the library) at 9 a.m. and carpool to the trailhead in the Norris Municipal Watershed. We’ll […]
Date: April 3rd ⏰ Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Lunch Provided Join us for a special day dedicated to preserving TCWP’s 58+ years of rich history! We’ve accumulated a […]