TVA Briefing on Clinch River Nuclear Site Development By William Chandler The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on 25 February 2025 gave a virtual briefing on its plans to develop nuclear power on its former Clinch River Breeder Reactor site. TVA’s intention appears to...
Concern for Wetland Protection at Carbon Rivers Research & Development Site in Oak Ridge Submitted by Doug Colclasure Edited by Sally Schiller, JoAnn McIntosh and Virginia Dale Carbon Rivers, a recycling and composite manufacturing business headquartered in...
Protect Tennessee's Scenic Rivers Oppose HB0895/SB0725 Tennessee’s Scenic Rivers provide clean water, vital wildlife habitat, and outdoor recreation. HB0895/SB0725 threatens these waterways by removing the two-mile buffer between Class II Scenic Rivers and landfills,...
Protect Tennessee's Wetlands Take Action Today Tennessee’s wetlands are vital for clean drinking water, flood protection, and wildlife habitat. Yet, proposed legislation (HB0541/SB0670) would strip protections from 300,000–450,000 acres of wetlands, leaving them...
Nuclear work during the Manhattan Project resulted in contamination that still remains, decades later. For cleanup work to continue, the Department of Energy (DOE) proposed, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Tennessee Department of Environment and...
TCWP is urging our members to express your concerns about the proposed Oak Ridge Airport by writing to those with decision-making authority. We have provided the email addresses below for your convenience. The study justifying the airport is more than 10 years old. ...
Read AFORR’s Comments on the Oak Ridge Airport Environmental Assessment The Environmental Assessment document for the proposed Oak Ridge Airport is available for review now and a public hearing is set for August 8 from 6-8 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel located at...
As cleanup of hazardous and radioactive material at the Oak Ridge Reservation continues, the Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing a reckless plan that would contaminate waterways with toxic chemicals and put downstream communities at risk. Next week, DOE is holding...
WRITE TO:Oak Ridge City Council: Oak Ridge City Manager: Dr. Mark Watson: City of Oak Ridge Electric Department (CORED) Director: Ardo Ba: The closed forested canopy and protected...
Proposed sites for the Environmental Management Disposal Facility from Proposed Plan for the Disposal of Oak Ridge Reservation Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Waste – June 2018 The Department of Energy (DOE) plans...
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