Our natural lands and waters are threatened by degradation or development. See how TCWP identifies, researches, and fights these threats.
TCWP maintains trails and controls exotic invasive species to protect areas and provide opportunities for outdoor exercise and fellowship.
TCWP organizes free outings and special events for all to enjoy. Experience Tennessee’s wild lands and waters firsthand.
A License to Fund Conservation
Did you know that TWRA receives a majority of its funding through the sale of hunting & fishing licenses? Each license sold is met with federal dollars and those funds support the conservation of all species of plants and animals in the state of Tennessee. Not a...
Calls Needed by Monday Morning!!
Tennessee lawmakers are currently considering legislation that would allow the state to assume regulatory authority, or “primacy,” over Tennessee coal mining. SB742/HB90 would allow for weakened environmental regulations at a time when the coal industry is...
Primacy is too expensive for state
The pesky bill (SB 742) that gives the state of Tennessee responsibility for permitting and enforcing coal mining will be heard tomorrow (Wednesday, March 31) by the Senate 2021 Senate Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. These responsibilities, ever...