Take Action
TVA Briefing on Clinch River Nuclear Site Development
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on 25 February 2025 gave a virtual briefing on its plans to develop nuclear power on its former Clinch River Breeder Reactor site. TVA’s intention appears to be to build two or three “small, modular reactors” for power generation...
Protect Tennessee’s Wetlands
Tennessee’s wetlands are vital for clean drinking water, flood protection, and wildlife habitat. Yet, proposed legislation (HB0541/SB0670) would strip protections from 300,000–450,000 acres of wetlands, leaving them vulnerable to destruction. Without state safeguards,...
Help tell DOE to be more transparent with its toxic waste plans at Oak Ridge Reservation
As cleanup of hazardous and radioactive material at the Oak Ridge Reservation continues, the Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing a reckless plan that would contaminate waterways with toxic chemicals and put downstream communities at risk. Next week, DOE is holding...
Public Comments Sought on Proposed Water Quality Permit for the Pigeon River
Photo of Pigeon River by Erin Johnson Those of you that drove down I-40 at the Tennessee/North Carolina border in the pre-1990’s remember not only the nasty smell of the ‘Dirty Bird’ but also the dark-stained water due to discharges from the Champion papermill in...
Concern for Wetland Protection at Carbon Rivers Research & Development Site in Oak Ridge
Carbon Rivers, a recycling and composite manufacturing business headquartered in Knoxville, has purchased 360 acres of the former S-50 site in Oak Ridge (Figure 1). The company plans to use the site for research and development to improve their process for...
NOW is the time to voice your concerns about the Proposed Oak Ridge Airport
TCWP is urging our members to express your concerns about the proposed Oak Ridge Airport by writing to those with decision-making authority. We have provided the email addresses below for your convenience. The study justifying the airport is more than 10 years old. ...
Primacy is too expensive for state
The pesky bill (SB 742) that gives the state of Tennessee responsibility for permitting and enforcing coal mining will be heard tomorrow (Wednesday, March 31) by the Senate 2021 Senate Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. These responsibilities, ever...
Protect Tennessee’s Scenic Rivers
Tennessee’s Scenic Rivers provide clean water, vital wildlife habitat, and outdoor recreation. HB0895/SB0725 threatens these waterways by removing the two-mile buffer between Class II Scenic Rivers and landfills, increasing the risk of pollution and habitat...
Oak Ridge Airport Environmental Assessment Public Hearing August 8 from 6-8 PM
The Environmental Assessment document for the proposed Oak Ridge...
Why We Oppose the Proposed Oak Ridge Motor Complex
https://youtu.be/u6wCARcZYow On Feb 4, 2021, leaders of AFORR, Advocates for the Oak Ridge Reservation, gave a comprehensive assessment of the Horizon Center, the BORCE, the natural areas within the Horizon Center, and the impact of a racetrack to the area. The event...