A Guide to the  Haw Ridge Canoe Trail

A Guide to the Haw Ridge Canoe Trail

 RECREATED FROM A GUIDE TO THE HAW RIDGE CANOE TRAIL FOR THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF OAK RIDGE (1992-93) A family flatwater canoeing area without hazards of competition with power boats (mostly in a large, shallow backchannel area); -Abundant wildlife–herons,...
Stay-at-Home Weed Wrangle

Stay-at-Home Weed Wrangle

While most of us are home under a safer-at-home order, there’s no better time to tackle the yard and control those invasive plants. Plants like Honeysuckle Vine, Bush Honeysuckle, Privet, Mimosa, and Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus) may be creeping up along the...
Take the iNaturalist City Challenge April 24-27

Take the iNaturalist City Challenge April 24-27

Here is something fun to do during April 24-27. Participate in the iNaturalist City Challenge 2020. The City Nature Challenge is an international competition between cities to see who can observe the most wildlife in a four-day period. It’s a bioblitz that happens all...
Take the iNaturalist City Challenge April 24-27

Oak Ridge Nature Walks Scheduled

On the Oak Ridge Reservation, located in east Tennessee, over 1100 vascular plants, 72 fish, 34 mammals and over 200 bird species have been observed. The public is invited to nature walks designed to highlight not only the rich flora and fauna diversity of the...